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New Year matinee concert - NOSPR

New Year matinee concert

Tickets: 55-150 zł
Radosław Kaźmierczak
Alexandra Büchel – soprano
Marcin Majchrowski – compere
Carl Nielsen
Overture from the opera ‘Maskarade’
Franz Lehár
Aria ‘Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß’ from the operetta ‘Giuditta’
Johann Strauss II
Waltz ‘Artist’s Life’, Op. 316
Robert Stolz
‘Auf der Heide blüh'n die letzten Rosen’ from the film ‘Herbstmanöver’
Richard Heuberger
Overture and duet ‘Hier ist die Uhr’ from the operetta ‘Der Opernball’
Hans Christian Lumbye
‘Copenhagen Steam Railway Galop’
Emmerich Kálmán
Duet „Weiss du es noch” from the operetta Die Csárdásfürstin
Carl Michael Ziehrer
Waltz ‘Night Owls’, Op. 466

For many years now, New Year has been associated with the 19th century swaying across the ballroom – a world that is no more, but one that has become a beautiful myth. Maurice Ravel commemorated it in his exquisite poem La valse. Vienna in that period was predominantly occupied with the Strauss dynasty, but they were not without successful competitors, such as Karl Michael Ziehrer, who composed over six hundred pieces in highly varying genres. A little further, in Copenhagen, the leading figure of the period was Hans Christian Lumbye. It is hard to believe that the „Johann Strauss of the North” would begin his career as a military orchestra trumpeter. Richard Heuberger’s career seems even more fascinating, as it began in engineering, with the greatest musical career coming just before his 50th birthday with Der Opernball, an operetta. Carl Nielsen and Robert Stolz represent the 20th century already – the world of opera and… film, although musically and aesthetically still looking back at the light muse of the previous century, the wonderful Belle époque. Let us be entertained!

Marcin Majchrowski

Concert duration: approximately 70 minutes

Main Partner of the NOSPR subscription concerts for the 2023/2024 season

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