NOSPR / Domingo Hindoyan / Adam Krzeszowiec - concert with public / livestream - NOSPR
NOSPR / Domingo Hindoyan / Adam Krzeszowiec - concert with public / livestream
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The first one was born into the family of a French officer, who regarded his son's passion for music as a pathetic whim, while the other – surrounded by music since his childhood – decided to become a journalist in his teenage rebellion. Édouard Lalo began to find success as a composer in his fifties; at the same age Manuel de Falla officially ended his career. However, there is something that unites their creative output: a love for the Spanish musical tradition, which Lalo inherited from his distant ancestors, while de Falla sucked from his Catalan mother's milk and, as time goes by, fostered his love for Andalusian flamenco. The Iberian element reverberates both in Lalo's Cello Concerto and in Falla's El amor brujo – a story of a gypsy girl haunted by the ghost of her dead husband, who through successive rituals finally manages to reunite with her true beloved one. There are two ripe fruits of a magical love for Spain, a country of great contrasts and even greater passions.
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