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12 Tenors & Stars (postponed) - NOSPR

12 Tenors & Stars (postponed)

Woytek Mrozek – conductor, production
Melanie Goerlitz – soprano
Agata Sava – mezzosoprano
Bogusław Morka – tenor
Piotr Salata – vocal
Johann Kruk – violin
12 Tenors
National Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra INSO

Singing in the Rain Overture

Surdato n’amorato

Paganini aria

All at once / W. Houston

Fall on me / A.Boccelli, M. Bocelli - duet

Because we believe

You raise me up

Ptasznik z Tyrolu / The Bird Seller

Halo – Beyonce

Help yourself

O sole mio

Usta milczą dusza śpiewa - duet / Lips are silent - duet

„Shallow” duet/ Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
Besame Mucho



Przerwa 20 min / Break 20 min



New York, New York

Funiculi Funicula

We will rock you

Quando, Quando - duet


Mamma mia / ABBA
Perfect Symphony / Ed Sheeran&A.Bocelli - duet

Lubię wracać tam gdzie byłem / Wodecki song

Tonight I celebrate my love for you - duet


Tango Jalusie

Dancing Queen / ABBA        

Sing, sing, sing - solo klarnet / clarinet solo

This is my song

I wanna dance with somebody/ W. Houston

Grande Amore


Brunetki Blondynki/ Brunettes Blondes

Chanti Song

Postponed to 3rd January 2021 - 12 Tenorów & GwiazdyTickets remain valid.

We play safe! Click and learn more about the public health rules in force during the coming concerts – more

Event participants are obliged to submit a completed declaration prior to the concert. You can download the declaration – here.

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Bożena Sacharczuk’s unique-item ceramic art exhibition opening


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