NOSPR / Sułkowska-Migoń / Cal / Finished-unfinished - NOSPR
NOSPR / Sułkowska-Migoń / Cal / Finished-unfinished
“It is in this youthful work already that the mark of Różycki’s individuality can be clearly seen. The grotesqueness of the character of the royal jester juxtaposed with the tragicness of the era is plasticized here with several perfect, mutually contrastive themes” – wrote Adam Wieniawski in the composer’s 1928 biography. The Concertino for horn and orchestra is also a work of young talent: its origins date back to the year 1806, when Weber was 20. However, the piece was only given its final form nine years later and it is undoubtedly one of the most difficult works written for the horn – it was performed by the famous horn player of Munich, Sebastian Rauch. Schubert’s famous “Unfinished” Symphony, in turn, has been described as follows: “If all works were as complete as this one, believe me, we would be living in a genuine musical paradise.” Indeed, this symphony of “merely” two movements surpasses many “completed” ones with its perfection. Besides, can one disagree with Johannes Brahms himself?
Agnieszka Nowok-Zych
Approximate time of concert: 50 min
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