Silesian Quartet / Royal String Quartet (postponed) - NOSPR
Silesian Quartet / Royal String Quartet (postponed)
The finest string quartets are like legendary rock groups. The musicians’ charisma goes hand-in-hand with perfect technique and fanciful names (and hairdos, in the past). In addition, they resemble superorganisms that breathe in a single rhythm, and their members communicate with each other telepathically. So what will happen when we put two such remarkable bodies on the stage together? It is difficult to say, because such situations occur very rarely. The concert by the Silesian Quartet with the guest participation of the Royal String Quartet, featuring passionate music by George Enescu, is definitely a chamber music ‘must see’ this season.
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Bożena Sacharczuk’s unique-item ceramic art exhibition opening

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Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Silesian Quartet / NeoQuartet / The Changing Sound of the Quartet
Chamber Hall
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Concert Hall
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Chamber Hall
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Chamber Hall
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