Imagined snow / Festiwal of Premieres / Spółdzielnia Muzyczna - NOSPR
Imagined snow / Festiwal of Premieres / Spółdzielnia Muzyczna
Voice, ensemble, electronics.
Contemporary music moves between abstraction and meaning. Anna Sowa focusses on breathing (The Suspense), combining playing on instruments with quasi-choreographic tasks, while Viacheslav Kyrylov investigates difference and unity, close to zero intensity.
Contemporary music is written and seeks to exist here and now. It reacts. In writing ice to weep, Paweł Malinowski noted that the image of winter from the texts of Thomas Hardy and Simon Armitage is rapidly losing its currency. Snow is increasingly confined to the realm of the imaginary. Katarina Gryvul, in Solastalgia, refers to the pain we feel when a place close to our heart alters irrevocably, ‘when your home will never be like it once was’ (however that home is understood).
Co-financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
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