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Recomposed. Harmony's Duel with Invention - NOSPR

Recomposed. Harmony's Duel with Invention

Tickets: 30-60 zł
Grzesiek Mart
Jakub Jakowicz – solo violin
NOSPR string orchestra:
Sulamita Ślubowska, Jan Mazur, Aleksander Daszkiewicz, Katarzyna Jawor, Dorota Cieślińska, Maria Strzelczyk, Karolina Szefer-Trocha, Beata Ogryzek – violins
Dawid Jadamus, Adam Brakowski, Sandra Kałuża, Joanna Tesarczyk – violas
Łukasz Frant, Karolina Nowak-Waloszczyk, Natalia Kurzac-Kotula, Julianna Vinci – cellos
Jan Kotula, Krzysztof Firlus, Marek Romanowski – double basses
Elżbieta Korelus – harp
Anna Firlus – harpsichord
Marcin Majchrowski – compere
Antonio Vivaldi / Max Richter
The Four Seasons (Recomposed)

Harmony's duel with invention – this was the title of a set of twelve violin concertos published in 1725 by Antonio Vivaldi, of which four depicted the basic seasons. Endowed with compositional genius, Venetian priest surpassed his contemporaries with evocativeness, transforming sounds of nature – birdsong, barking dogs, buzzing insects – into musical notes, as well as elaborate depictions of falling snow, storms, and hunting. He exhibited remarkable imagination while remaining in harmony with Baroque aesthetics. 

The Four Seasons are among the most recognizable works of European high culture. This state intrigued many contemporary artists. Max Richter recomposed the work in the spirit of post-minimalism. How much invention and harmony with contemporary tastes are there in this arrangement? One must judge for themselves, as his work has gained widespread resonance in modern culture. 

Adam Suprynowicz 

Concert duration: approximately 80 minutes

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