Gembalski / Organ improvisations / From the baroque to the present day - NOSPR
Gembalski / Organ improvisations / From the baroque to the present day
What did his principals most frequently reprimand Johann Sebastian Bach for? For his musical improvisations between parts of a service being too long. Such improvised organ interludes, fantasias and capriccios provided inspiration for the creation of organ concertos. Today, we also enjoy improvised jazz concerts – let us remember that it all began with the baroque, and musicians such as Leszek Możdżer owe Bach more than we might think.
Prof. Julian Gembalski’s recital is such a return to the improvised organ roots and to a spontaneous expression of genius. It is a tribute to the rich tradition, transporting listeners to times, when music was created here and now, before the audiences’ very eyes and in their ears.
[Alexandra Kozowicz]
Concert duration: approximately 80 minutes
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