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Songs by Silesian composers/ Bogusławski, Świder, Bauć, Kubica-Cypek, Markiewiczówna, Stępień - livestream XIX Silesian Days of Contemporary Music - NOSPR

Songs by Silesian composers/ Bogusławski, Świder, Bauć, Kubica-Cypek, Markiewiczówna, Stępień - livestream / XIX Silesian Days of Contemporary Music

Ewa Biegas – soprano
Grzegorz Biegas – piano
Maciej Bartczak – baritone
Justyna Młynarczyk – viola da gamba
Agnieszka Nowok-Zych – compere
Edward Bogusławski
Contemplations for soprano and piano to words by Mieczysława Buczkówna
Józef Świder
„Chamber music”. Six songs to words by James Joyce for baritone and piano
Tomasz Bauć
Attire for soprano and piano to words by Bolesław Leśmian
Adrianna Kubica-Cypek
Sonnets for baritone and piano to words by William Shakespeare
Władysława Markiewiczówna
Songs for soprano and piano (selection)
Wojciech Stępień
Five Letters to the Beautiful Knight for baritone and viola da gamba to words by Raimbaut de Vaqueiras

According to health&safety restrictions from the 4th November 2020, all cultural institutions, including ours, are closed to the public. 

We would like to kindly invite you to watch this concert in live transmission.


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