Songs by Silesian composers/ Bogusławski, Świder, Bauć, Kubica-Cypek, Markiewiczówna, Stępień - livestream XIX Silesian Days of Contemporary Music - NOSPR
Songs by Silesian composers/ Bogusławski, Świder, Bauć, Kubica-Cypek, Markiewiczówna, Stępień - livestream / XIX Silesian Days of Contemporary Music
According to health&safety restrictions from the 4th November 2020, all cultural institutions, including ours, are closed to the public.
We would like to kindly invite you to watch this concert in live transmission.
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Festival of Premieres / NOSPR / Klauza / Bies / Krauze / Buczek / Legends of Polish Minimalism and Modernism
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Silesian Quartet / NeoQuartet / The Changing Sound of the Quartet
Chamber Hall
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Festival of Premieres/ AUKSO / Wołek / Kosecka / Knittel / Domagała / A Suite of Quotations
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting
Chamber Hall
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JazzKLUB / Marilyn Mazur Group / A stunning arsenal of instruments from all over the world
Chamber Hall
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