NOSPR / Victorien Vanoosten / Julia Hamos - NOSPR
NOSPR / Victorien Vanoosten / Julia Hamos
Mozart’s Piano Concerto in A major is one of his most famous works. It is characterised by maturity, virtuosity and a kind of operatic quality: in the slow movement, Mozart introduces ideas that he would later use in Don Giovanni. His simultaneous work on the score of Le nozze di Figaro also clearly influenced the rich melodic writing of this work. Rich thematic inventiveness, derived from the musical styles of his friend Richard Wagner and his teachers, Jules Massenet and César Franck, is also a great asset of the lone symphony by Ernest Chausson. He wrote his opus 20, as did Mozart, while working on an opera – his only completed music drama, Le roi Arthus.Yet we should not seek any similarities in the division of creative attention: Le nozze di Figaro was written in six weeks; Le roi… over nearly ten years.
[Piotr Mika, translated by John Comber]
Duration of the concert: approx. 70 minutes
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