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NOSPR / Pinchas Steinberg / live streaming - NOSPR

NOSPR / Pinchas Steinberg / live streaming

Joseph Haydn
Symphony in C major (‘The Bear’), Hob. I:82
Béla Bartók
Divertimento for string orchestra, BB 118

The first listeners of Haydn’s Symphony No. 82 in C major heard the sounds of a bear’s dance in the bass instruments’ part in the first bars of the Finale. The four-movement symphony had not been nicknamed “The Bear” until 1829, the year when a piano transcription was published with the subtitle Danse de l’Ours. Such inspiration as was popular in the 18th century can also be found in Bartók’s Divertimento for String Orchestra, even though the latter piece was composed in circumstances much more dramatic than those of the head of the Parisian Concert de la Loge Olympique placing an order with Haydn.

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