Grigory Sokolov (canceled) - NOSPR
Grigory Sokolov (canceled)
We sadly have to inform you that the concert was cancelled. We were very much looking forward to this meeting. Unfortunately, difficulties related to the pandemic have stood in its way.
Tickets can be returned. Please contact the Sales & Box Office.
We strongly encourage you to take a look at our calendar of events for the 2020/2021 season. There are still many great concerts ahead of us. Thank you for being with us in the concert hall, online and during radio broadcasts.
Upcoming events

Bożena Sacharczuk’s unique-item ceramic art exhibition opening

Festival of Premieres / NOSPR / Klauza / Bies / Krauze / Buczek / Legends of Polish Minimalism and Modernism
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Silesian Quartet / NeoQuartet / The Changing Sound of the Quartet
Chamber Hall
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Granice niczego [The Boundaries of Nothing] – Krzysztof Knittel in conversation with Michał Mendyk

Festival of Premieres/ AUKSO / Wołek / Kosecka / Knittel / Domagała / A Suite of Quotations
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / NOSPR / Kozlovsky / Walentynowicz / Romańczuk / The Unique Sound of the Theremin
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting
Chamber Hall
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JazzKLUB / Marilyn Mazur Group / A stunning arsenal of instruments from all over the world (cancelled)
Chamber Hall