Masterfully / Ewa Pobłocka - NOSPR
Masterfully / Ewa Pobłocka
“If there has ever been a composer to show polyphony at its greatest power, it was certainly our Bach whom we hold in our loving memory. If there has ever been a musician to reach for the hidden secrets of harmony with the greatest skill, it was certainly our Bach. There has been no other to put as many innovative and extraordinary concepts into pieces which usually seem but dry practice for one’s craft” – as it was written in the obituary published after the death of the Cantor of Leipzig. These words are particularly fitting for the Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, in which he includes a show dealing with all the 24 keys. Bach was the first to forge modern theory into musical practice. Moreover, he did it in a way the significance of which could not be predicted by anyone back then: the fugues and preludes arranged in chromatic order (intended for any keyboard instrument) continue to influence subsequent generations of composers.
Until recently, we would not associate Ewa Pobłocka with such a repertoire, although the universality of her art had been widely known. It is time, however, to change our habits. After the extremely well received book 1 of the Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (published by NIFC in 2018) – now we are listening to book 2. The recording of this cycle will be an anticipated event already.
[Jakub Puchalski, translated by Mikołaj Witkowski]
Duration of the concert: approx. 150 minutes
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