Anniversary of Beethoven's birth / Marc Coppey & François Dumont - livestream - NOSPR
Anniversary of Beethoven's birth / Marc Coppey & François Dumont - livestream
According to health&safety restrictions from the 4th November 2020, all cultural institutions, including ours, are closed to the public.
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Once the orchestral fireworks have faded, on the anniversary of Beethoven’s baptism, we invite you to a small reception for intimate friends. This time, the greatest symphonist in the history of music will speak to us in the cheerful language of his cello sonatas and variations on a theme from Mozart’s The Magic Flute. They will be performed by cellist Marc Coppey, familiar to our patrons from the memorable NOSPR concert for Medici TV.
Ludwig entered the world as the second son of Johann van Beethoven, a gifted musician and a very bad father. We are still not certain of the day the composer was born. We know only the date of his baptism: 17 December 1770. It could be that the eternally drunk Johann lost track of time. Perhaps the parents – having lost their previous child – baptised Ludwig in a hurry. It is unlikely that they ever treated the lad to a grand birthday celebration. Marc Coppey and Peter Laul are righting that wrong 250 years later, offering him the 7 Variations in E flat major, one of his first attempts at forging a balanced dialogue between cello and piano, the middle-period Sonata, Op. 69 and the fully mature Sonata, Op. 102 No. 2, marking the start of the path followed by his Romantic successors in this form.
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