Paul McCreesh / Gabrieli Consort & Players - NOSPR
Paul McCreesh / Gabrieli Consort & Players
Concert commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Gabrieli Consort & Players and the 30th anniversary of the first recording of the Venetian Coronation.
Detailed programme of the concert (pdf)
A Venetian Coronation 1595, recorded by the Gabrieli Consort & Players in 1989 and released a year later, was a sensation in the recording market. The album from the young English early music ensemble, founded in 1982, gathered excellent reviews. The boss, Paul McCreesh, placed pieces by the late-Renaissance composers Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli within the context of a hypothetical liturgy accompanying the enthronement of the Venetian doge Marino Grimani. Early music gained new meaning in relation to a particular context. It became part of a story, a historical narrative.
In 2012, the English conductor returned to the concept and recorded A New Venetian Coronation 1595, which is a slightly altered view of the same event. However, as it is normally the case with McCreesh, nothing is definitive. Therefore, over 30 years after the premiere of the first recording and on the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the ensemble, the programme is bound to sound in yet another, different, way in Katowice. How? That is the question.
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Duration of the concert: approx. 90 minutes
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