NOSPR / Domingo Hindoyan / Franz Schubert - livestream - NOSPR
NOSPR / Domingo Hindoyan / Franz Schubert - livestream
According to health&safety restrictions from the 4th November 2020, all cultural institutions, including ours, are closed to the public.
We would like to kindly invite you to watch in live transmission this concert on our website or YouTube channel.
For many years, the Great was wrongly deemed Franz Schubert’s final symphonic piece. There is ample evidence, however, suggesting that it had been created at least three years before the composer’s death and that it is perfectly identical with the Gmünden‐Gastein Sinfonie, marked D. 849 in Deutsch’s catalogue. After the author’s death, it spent a decade in his brother’s drawer. It was Robert Schumann who drew it out of oblivion. Only now are we able, however, to appreciate the Symphony in C major, D. 944, as one of the most wonderful masterpieces of a genius who left too early: taking to his grave an unmeasured wealth of imagination and failed hopes for the future.

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