NOSPR / Alexander Humala / Szymanowski – Portrait 140/85 (canceled) - NOSPR
NOSPR / Alexander Humala / Szymanowski – Portrait 140/85 (canceled)
We sadly have to inform you that the concert was cancelled. We were very much looking forward to this meeting. We strongly encourage you to take a look at our calendar of events for the 2022/2023 season. There are many great concerts ahead of us.
Tickets can be returned. Please contact the Sales & Box Office.
This October marks 140 years from the birth of Karol Szymanowski – “a beauty fanatic” and a “seducer” of many faces. While looking for his true self and clarifying his individual style, the composer would develop his fascinations with subsequent cultures – he studied German and French music and learnt about the Orient and folklore. Filled with firework, his Concert Overture is a result of his studying Richard Strauss’ scores, the lyrical-ecstatic Violin Concerto No. 1 isrooted in his immersion in impressionism, while the Violin Concerto No. 2 and the Prince Potemkin are largely attempts at placing the Polish highland folklore and the exotic within the framework of philharmonic music. NOSPR’s gift for the concert’s eponymous composer ought to please him for at least two reasons. Firstly, he would himself admit that his greatest inclination was that for symphonic music. Secondly, the solo parts will be performed by the winners of the 1st and the 2nd prize of an international competition for which he is the patron. A birthday party of such a varied programme is one not to be missed.
[Piotr Mika, translated by Mikołaj Witkowski]
Duration of the concert (including break): approx. 110 minutes
Co-financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
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