JazzKLUB / Get The Blessing / A fascinating kaleidoscope of groove - NOSPR
JazzKLUB / Get The Blessing / A fascinating kaleidoscope of groove
The band’s members’ discographies amount to a picture of several generations of British rock music: from Peter Gabriel and Robert Plant to Hawkwind, Portishead and Radiohead. Nevertheless, their horizons and inspirations reach far beyond that genre – which is probably the foundation of the group’s success. Get The Blessing travelled a long way, from the pugnacious Ornettian inspirations on their 2008 All Is Yes, to the trance-like, almost cinematic soundscapes of the latest albums. Still, however, Judge’s trumpet enhances the hypnotic trance with the element of unpredictability, McMurchie’s saxophone lending the band’s onirically meditative music its body and power. Seen from afar, the group’s music emanates calmness, while close up it is full of movement and surprising details. All this results in a fascinating kaleidoscope of grooves, colours and moods.
Tomasz Gregorczyk
Concert duration: approximately 90 minutes
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