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JazzKLUB / Myra Melford Splash Trio / Juicy Boogie Woogie - NOSPR

JazzKLUB / Myra Melford Splash Trio / Juicy Boogie Woogie

Myra Melford – piano
Michael Formanek – double bass
Ches Smith – drums

She debuted in the early 90s, in the golden era of New York’s Downtown. Since the beginnings of her collaboration with such musicians as Dave Douglas or Chris Speed, her further projects have constantly confirmed her status as a pianist at the forefront of modern unorthodox jazz. Melford’s openness to the world is unparallelled – she finds artistic inspiration in a journey to India, the ceremonies of the Mexican Huichol tribe, poetry by the Sufi mystic Rumi, as well as in the story of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The music of her newest trio is inspired by the paintings of the American abstractionist Cy Twombly. The fact that each member of the trio can boast impressive skill while simultaneously keeping their minds open, enables the group to fluently meander between the abstract and the concrete, between a delicateness of mood and pure expressiveness. With years of experience behind her, Melford’s music today is as refined as it has never been before, and yet not devoid of wildness and unpredictability. There are few pianists capable of transitioning between clusters in then vein of Cecil Taylor and a juicy boogie woogie with such elan. 

Tomasz Gregorczyk 

Concert duration: approximately 90 minutes

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