JazzKLUB / O.N.E. Quintet - NOSPR
JazzKLUB / O.N.E. Quintet
The O.N.E. Quintet has been a hot topic this year. It was formed in 2016. In 2020, they released their debut album, which was nominated for the Fryderyk award. Five young women. Each of them with considerable experience and a long list of individual activities. Finally, each of them an award winner, not only at home, but also abroad.
O.N.E. Quintet seem to be pets of a considerable part of the jazz media. In his review, a Jazz Forum magazine journalist found their debut abum "a mature, uncompromising, myth-busting, and convention-breaking one. And, in a sense, a breakthrough".
The prospect of the band’s performance in the NOSPR seems all the more interesting as it will coincide with the premier of their second album.
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