JazzKLUB / Ill Considered - NOSPR
JazzKLUB / Ill Considered
A band of experienced British instrumentalists and producers, whose albums are meeting places for rhythmic machinery in the style of “Miles electric” and masters of spiritual jazz such as those published by the Impulse! label. However, the music created by Emre Ramazanoglu’s drumming engine, Liran Donin’s superheavy bass and Idris Rahman’s domineering saxophone, is not comparable with any other. The trio balances its characteristically aggressive pieces with more subtle soundscapes, full of space and sometimes delicately infused with a Middle Eastern flavour. Additionally, the electronic effects they gladly use lend the group’s sound, thick already, an even greater density.
[Tomasz Gregorczyk, translated by Mikołaj Witkowski]
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Festival of Premieres / NOSPR / Klauza / Bies / Krauze / Buczek / Legends of Polish Minimalism and Modernism
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Silesian Quartet / NeoQuartet / The Changing Sound of the Quartet
Chamber Hall
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Festival of Premieres/ AUKSO / Wołek / Kosecka / Knittel / Domagała / A Suite of Quotations
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting
Chamber Hall
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JazzKLUB / Marilyn Mazur Group / A stunning arsenal of instruments from all over the world
Chamber Hall
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