Wherefore Odysseus’ silence? / Festival of Premieres / Camerata Silesia - NOSPR
Wherefore Odysseus’ silence? / Festival of Premieres / Camerata Silesia
Human voices are marvellous instruments, and vocal music is the most intimate, corporeal form of expression in sound. Respire comes from breathing – a function we have limited power over, but which provides fundamental evidence of our corporeality, while at the same time linking us to the outside world. Agnieszka Stulgińska, in the spirit of Christian faith in the Word that became Flesh, combines chanting with Inuit throat singing. Dariusz Przybylski and Marek Kraszewski (Sirens)rewrite the myth of the Sirens, asking why Odysseus passed over their singing in silence. And Karol Nepelski, in Process, turns to Orwell, Fellini and Kafka, exploring our ability to draw conclusions from history.
Dariusz Przybylski is published by PWM Edition.
Co-financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
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