Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting - NOSPR
Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting
The young generation of Polish composers are not afraid to discuss currently relevant topics or to pose insightful questions about our surrounding reality. This relationship with the external world can also be perceived in the music itself – its openness to interdisciplinarity and inspirations from various forms of art.
Natural Intelligence by Nikolet Burzyńska offers reflection on the concept of natural intelligence in the context of growing domination of artificial intelligence. The composition poses questions about the roles of humans and other creatures in the cosmic order and about their relationship with AI. The creation of the work was inspired by the composer’s thinking about what a human being can do not to lose themselves in the coming technological revolution. Organicity, timelessness, wildness and chaos meet within this piece, in order to express the doubts of the contemporary world.
For Jarosław Płonka, the life of a ghost score became a personal diary. The composer compared his creative process to the artistic technique of action painting or to the literary stream of consciousness, ones which enable the artist to express themselves in a spontaneous way, unrestrained by any rules whatsoever. The composition consists of two movements: Limbo and Life after, while the main instrument – the cello – becomes more of a provocateur of musical events rather than soloist.
[Julia Broniowska]
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