BACH – KILAR / Masters of Musical Landscapes Krzysztof & Jakub Jakowicz & Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra - NOSPR
BACH – KILAR / Masters of Musical Landscapes / Krzysztof & Jakub Jakowicz & Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
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Granice niczego [The Boundaries of Nothing] – Krzysztof Knittel in conversation with Michał Mendyk

Festival of Premieres/ AUKSO / Wołek / Kosecka / Knittel / Domagała / A Suite of Quotations
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / NOSPR / Kozlovsky / Walentynowicz / Romańczuk / The Unique Sound of the Theremin
Concert Hall
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Festival of Premieres / Hashtag Ensemble / Burzyńska / Płonka / Musical Action Painting
Chamber Hall
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JazzKLUB / Marilyn Mazur Group / A stunning arsenal of instruments from all over the world (cancelled)
Chamber Hall

Filharmonie Brno / Kružík / Dances, scherzos and the adventures of The Cunning Little Vixen
Concert Hall
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