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Matthieu Walendzik - NOSPR

Matthieu WalendzikBaritone (ormonte)

The French-Polish baritone Matthieu Walendzik was born in 1996 in Paris. He started singing as a treble at the Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris choir. After graduating in musicology from Sorbonne University and in singing from Paris Conservatoire in 2020, he is currently completing his Master's degree in vocal studies with Valérie Guillorit & Anne Le Bozec.
Since 2019, as a member of the ensemble Opera Fuoco led by David Stern, his operatic engagements include the roles of Count Almaviva in Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro, Riff in Berstein’s West Side Story, Russell in Weill’s Lady in the Dark and Marcello in Puccini’s la Bohème.
As a concert soloist, he has sung in Haydn’s Creation, Bach’s St Matthew & St John’s Passion & cantatas, Monteverdi’s Vespers, Haendel's Messiah… under the direction of distinguished conductors: David Reiland, Stephan MacLeod, Christophe Rousset, Paul Agnew & Hervé Niquet.
Matthieu Walendzik is strongly attached to his Polish roots. He frequently takes part in song recitals honoring Polish composers at the Polish Embassy in Paris and at charity concerts for which Matthieu has received the 'Young personality of the year' award in 2019.
During season 2021/2022, as part of Les Arts Florrissants Le Jardin des Voix academy, he will sing Ormonte in Haendel’s Partenope under the direction of William Christie.


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